Who are the “Keepers of Mysteries”?
Jen Brinkman has been cultivating her gaming pedigree and dice collection for over half her life. Leaping into the DCC RPG Worlds Tour/Road Crew in 2012 gave her the excuse she needed to buy more dice, and she quickly became an “official” acolyte. Editing DCC adventures for Thick Skull Adventures, Stormlord Publishing, and Goodman Games has proven a perfect balance to the evil bean-counting duties of this plane.
Also aco-host on the ENnie award winning Spellburn podcast, “Judge Jen” is not allowed to sleep until the editing for DCC Dying Earth is completed. Send more coffee.
Marc Bruner, father, gamer, Keeper of Mysteries. When not endangering player sanity by running Velociraptor Crawl Classics, 10th level funnels, or other emergent-style DCC games, Marc is…well… still running amok. His module, Twilight of the Solstice, was the 2016 Goodman Games Holiday adventure release and even came with scratch off character sheets. Most recently, Marc has been the Lead Designer for DCC Dying Earth.
Marc does like to push the boundaries of what is expected because the ordinary isn’t very exciting.
Bob Brinkman has been running games for as long as he can remember. He has had two single adventures selected and published via Chaosium (“Hope” contained in Halloween Horror Returns and “Silent Night” for the Christmas in Kingsport monograph), contributed “Over the Edge of the World” to the Dungeon Crawl Cabal tournament adventure Death by Nexus, written DCC RPG material for both the Crawl! and Dungeon Lord zines, and was a one-time reviewer for Gateways Magazine in the 90’s. His latest efforts for the Fifth Edition Fantasy line, are found within Castle Amber, part of the OAR line from Goodman Games. Most recently, he has been a designer on DCC Dying Earth as well as being responsible for the DCC conversion of Crypt of the Devil Lich.
Rumored to have sprung, fully formed, from the skull of one of the gaming gods, he has fought, battled, spelled, and DM’d his way to the present day and, as a survivor of Catastrophe Island, may be mildly radioactive. Bob is also one of the few gamers who can honestly say that he was once a professional wizard.
Keeper Emeritus
David Baity is an avid gamer who has been throwing odd shaped dice for 37 years. After being introduced to DCC RPG in 2013 David decided to try his hand at writing. His first adventure The Carnival of the Damned is available from Purple Sorcerer Games. David’s second adventure, Escape from Innsmouth, appeared in Sanctum Secorum Companion #9. His latest project, Weird Frontiers, is a Lovecraftian Western setting. David has also made contributions to the Gong Farmers Almanac and a future issue of Crawling Under a Broken Moon.
When not gaming, David can be found plying his trade as a hydro-engineer (firefighter) on deck 46 of the Warden, spending time with his favorite miniature pot-bellied lion, or inducing clown-related nightmares.