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Sanctum Secorum #49 – The Charwoman’s Shadow

Tonight the Keepers of Mystery discuss a work by Lord Dunsany, The Charwoman’s Shadow. Published in 1926, before the term “fantasy” had ever been used to describe the genre.

An old woman who spends her days scrubbing the floors might be an unlikely damsel in distress, but Lord Dunsany proves once again his mastery of the fantastical. The Charwoman’s Shadow is a beautiful tale of a sorcerer’s apprentice who discovers his master’s nefarious usage of stolen shadows, and vows to save the charwoman from her slavery.

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Sanctum Secorum #25 – The Fallible Fiend

Get the free Sanctum Secorum #25 Companion HERE!

He looked like a cross between a dragon and a catfish, and he could bend iron bars into pretzels with a flick of his hand. But what Zdim the mild-mannered demon really was, was a scholar of logic and philosophy. That’s why when Zdim was drafted for a year’s servitude on the mortal plane, he felt that a monumental administrative error had been made. And even though Zdim resolved to be absolutely obedient and to do exactly what he was told, the wizard who employed him (Dr. Maldivius) soon agreed…

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. Tonight we discuss L Sprague de Camp’s satirical fantasy novel The Fallible Fiend as well as Terry Olson’s adventure Elzemon and the Blood-Drinking Box.

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Sanctum Secorum #20 – Tarzan of the Apes

Get the free Sanctum Secorum #20 Companion HERE!

“Tarzan of the Apes, the story tells of an infant — the son of an aristocratic English couple — abandoned when his parents die in the jungles of Africa. Rescued and reared by apes, he learns to speak their language and imitate their ability to travel swiftly through the treetops. Eventually, his courage, immense strength and exceptional intelligence earn him the respect and admiration not only of the apes, but of all the creatures of the jungle. The ape-man’s story is classic and fast-paced, packed with riveting adventures as Tarzan avenges the killing of Kala, his ape-mother, subdues man-eating beasts of the jungle, meets and falls in love with the beautiful Jane Porter, vanquishes greedy pirate-adventurers, and deals with assorted other threats.”

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. Tonight’s episode takes you into the wilds of the Africa of Edgar Rice Burroughs with Tarzan of the Apes!

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Episode #12 – Kothar: Barbarian Swordsman

Get the Sanctum Secorum #12 Companion here!

Episode #12 CoversFrom the world beyond–or past–time Kothar comes. From out of the deepest, most violent recesses of mankind’s collective memory, Kothar the gigantic barbarian strides, the enchanted sword Frostfire glittering in his mighty hand. Lusty, hot-blooded, masterful, unafraid of things real or unreal, Kothar dominates the misty, bloody world before recorded time. Yet, though Kothar’s world existed in another age–perhaps another dimension–it springs vividly to life. Mapped, charted, chronicled, Kothar’s fantastic world suddenly becomes real–the sorcerers, dragons, witches, evil potions, unspeakable monsters. And Kothar, an epic hero for any age, overshadows everything.

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. In this episode we look at the world of Gardner F Fox’s Kothar: Barbarian Swordsman.

In addition, we have bonus content to bring to your game: classes, magic items and so much more…after the jump.

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Episode #10 – The Maker of Gargoyles

Get the Sanctum Secorum #10 Companion here!

Episode #10 CoversThe third story in Clark Ashton Smith’s Averoigne cycle, the story takes place in the fictional French town of Averoigne. Much as Lovecraft based Arkham on Boston, Clark Ashton Smith’s Averoigne is based on the very real Auvergne region. Even more closely tying this story to our previous episode, H. P. Lovecraft wrote a story “Out of the Aeons” that also intertwines with this fictional province as have a number of other authors. Certainly this is a region filled with potential. All told Clark Ashton Smith left us with eighteen pieces, some incomplete, others mere outlines, of events transpiring in this area.

The story itself involves a stonecutter, shunned and feared by the people of the area, whose affections towards a local girl are spurned, if she recognizes he exists at all. Hired to create a pair of gargoyles for the new cathedral, he cuts two pieces of true masterwork but, in doing so, pours all of his negativity, hatred and lust into their creation. Infused with these black emotions, the gargoyles come to life and wreak havoc leaving death in their wake.

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. In this episode we examine a work by famed author Clark Ashton Smith and match it Carnival of the Damned by the Sanctum’s own David Baity.

In addition, we have bonus content to bring to your game: magic items, weapons, and so much more…after the jump.

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NOW ON SALE – Carnival of the Damned

unnamedPurple Sorcerer has just announced the release of Sanctum Secorum co-host (and mighty Bacon Wizard) David Baity’s The Carnival of the Damned in both print and PDF!

“David has created something special: polished at conventions like Gary Con and Dragon Con, the adventure sports 143 digest-sized pages of clown-filled creepiness that can be used for DCC tournament play, as source material for many standard funnels, or as a massive pool of nightmare encounters that can be unleashed individually on any old-school campaign.

Featuring an awesome Doug Kovaks cover, the adventure is filled with incredible art from Simon Todd, Stan Reed, Danny Prescott, and Todd McGowan. I think you’ll love the look.

In addition to the main book, a separate printable appendix is filled with goodies including every pic from the adventure in easily printable form to use as handouts, patron spells, and paper miniatures.”

The adventure is available via RPGNow or the Purple Sorcerer Games website at $9.99 for PDF of $14.99 for print of print/pdf combo.

Episode #04 – Elric of Melniboné

Get the Sanctum Secorum #04 Companion on DrivethruRPG

Episode #04 CoversThe haunted, treacherous and doomed albino sorcerer-prince is one of the great creations of modern fantasy. An introspective weakling in thrall to his soul-eating sword, Stormbringer, he is yet a hero whose bloody adventures and wanderings lead inexorably to his decisive intervention in the war between the forces of Law and Chaos.

A fantasy classic, Elric of Melniboné is an exceptional fantasy icon of violence, power, politics and war and his tales make up a fantasy masterpiece.

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. In this episode, we examine the first book in a series that is regarded as one of the most influential sword-and-sorcery resources among Appendix N. Many thanks to Kevin Searle for the suggestion!

In addition, we have bonus content to bring to your game: patrons, classes, and so much more…after the jump.

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