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Tales from the Sanctum

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The Sanctum Secorum podcast plumbs the depths of Appendix N as it applies to DCC RPG. Each show reviews one piece of Appendix N media — be it literature or film — and then discusses how to bring aspects of it to the table for your DCC game. We explore how the selected piece might already easily fit into particular modules and DCC settings, and we highlight one specific DCC module that really ties into the Appendix N material.

Enter the Sanctum Secorum… and be inspired.

Sanctum Secorum #33 – The Powder of Hyperborea

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Retired master-thief Satampra, Zerios of Uzuldaroum recounts an adventure from days gone by when he and his two companions (Vixeela and the dubious magician/alchemist Veezi Phenquor) endeavored to rob the temple of the moon god Leniqua, and steal away with the Thirty-Nine girdles of virginity by means of stealth, cunning, and a little bit of hyperborean chemistry. Originally published in the Saturn Science Fiction & Fantasy, it is the last of Clark’s Hyperborea cycle.

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. Tonight we look at a work by Clark Ashton Smith, The Powder of Hyperborea and match it up with Edgar Johnson’s delightful Street Kids of Ur-Hadad.

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Episode #08 – The Life of Eibon

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Episode #08 Covers“The Book of Eibon, the creation of Clark Ashton Smith, ranks behind Lovecraft’s Necronomicon as a shunned repository of mystical horrors surviving blasphemously from elder eons. Not content with his own and Lovecraft’s citations of the Book, Smith actually wrote two chapters of it, his famous stories The Door to Saturn and The Coming of the White Worm. Lin Carter knew a good thing when he saw it and decided that it would be fun to write and read the remaining Eibonic chapters. He did not live to finish the Book, but others took up the challenge, supplying more of the droll yet frightening episodes, as well as various liturgical and magical arcana the Book of Eibon was said to contain. A Mythos grimoire– a work of horror, humor, and genuine poetic power.”    *



Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. In this episode, we examine another legendary piece of Appendix N literature by classic author Lin Carter. We also delve into the world of Jobe Bittman’s the 998th Conclave of Wizards and lament that it didn’t receive the Goodman Games boxed set treatment.

In addition, we have bonus content to bring to your game…after the jump.

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