This was a level one MCC game held at Tower Games in Minneapolis when our monthly Saturday Night Space Opera game needed a second table. Jen’s Numenera game could only handle seven players, so I ran a second table (of eight players) and game them level one pre-gens. A fantastic game, a near TPK (one survivor only) when one player decided that a pyrokinesis mutation was just the ticket when fighting a living metal overseer in the room with hot and cold running fusion generators. Good stuff.
Marmalade Dog Game Convention. Western Michigan University. Kalamazoo, MI.
You’re no hero. When villagers are snatched from their beds, who will help? A farmer, a butcher, a baker, or you? This is a Dungeon Crawl Classics level 0 funnel. We will roll up new characters and hope they survive. No experience required.
Pensacon Gaming Rooms @ 6:00 PM
Pensacola Grand Hotel
200 East Gregory Street
Pensacola, FL 32502
0 lvl funnel adventure. Young indentured PCs must clear invading monsters from the property of a busy giant farmer. I’m a D&D DM that is now happily converted to Dungeon Crawl Classics. I listed myself as TJ Dungeonmaster on the con’s game sched. Fire and Ice game convention takes place in Manitowoc WI, and does not feature many RPGs.