Saturday night at 6 PM. DCC is playing the level 1 Mutant Crawl Classic post-apocalyptic adventure “Assault on the Sky High Tower”. You are a brand new team of Seekers being sent on your first official mission to obtain artifacts of the ancients for your tribe. We’ll start at 6 to roll up new characters from last week. I will have some pregens ready for new people who want to play. I also have a selection of Epic PC’s with artifacts and high stats. We’ll roll to see who gets the awesome OP character. Hope to see you there. — at Secret Door Games.
We’ll play mostly Dungeon Crawl Classics with some random Mutant Crawl Classics adventures thrown in. Both published and hand-crafted adventures.
We play from 6:00PM to 9:00PM most nights, occasionally a little later.
Judge Name: Mario Garcia
Funagain Games Eugene
1280 Willamette St, Eugene, Oregon 97401
Eugene Store phone number 541-654-4205
Saturday night, February 23rd, 6:30 PM at Secret Door Games, come play the level 1 Mutant Crawl Classics adventure “A Fallen Star For All”. A city of the ancients was uncovered by a meteor and multiple tribes from Terra AD are heading to the crater to get at all of the artifacts their clan needs. You’re Seeker Team is not first and you’ve got trouble ahead. Bring your own level 1’s or have some of my gourmet pregens. If you’re a glutton for punishment-you can play some level 0’s-but it’s a tough adventure-you were warned. There’s also a lottery to be the overpowered veteran character that goes along to help the newbies. Roll your D20 and see if you can win. This would be a good place to use your characters from the Sky High Tower campaign. Hope to see you there!