Located at Comic Kingdom of Reno, NV this rewritten and modernized adventure is played under the 5e system. With three tables and three experienced Judges running it, it’s sure to bring you back to the old school feel of a dungeon crawl while still using a more modernized ruleset and guidelines.
Played Tuesdays at 6PM, drop on in, there’s plenty of room!
MARCH 1, 2, & 3 2019
Doors open Friday at Noon and close on Sunday at 7pm.
Hilton Garden Inn Aberdeen
1050 Beards Hill Road, Aberdeen, Maryland 21001
**Let the hotel know you are with (Jester Games) GAD-Con.
Reservations can be made by calling 410.272.1777
Draconis festival, Montreal, is a local con growing bigger each year. We played – almost entirely – the funnel Hole in the Sky – with 6 players and 18 zeros.
It was my first official public game – I have also a home game which saw more than 25 sessions since march 2018 – and wasn’t aware I had to post it beforehand. Sorry about that !
I’ll be at Gary Con next week. Would it be possible to take my swag there ? Many thanks ! Looking to other DCC games in the future !
DCC Lankhmar
Asheville NC
We will be playing Metamorphosis Alpha each Saturday in March and April! Gamers of all experience levels welcome!
Come adventure through space with us!
Salem Public Library
585 Liberty St SE
Salem, OR 97301 United States
CincyCon, Sharonville, OH.
You’ve put together the pieces– The Great Pig-Man-Beast and the sinister Fishmen were part of the same abominable MEAT GRINDER cult! Now, you have tracked them across the wastes to a hell-blasted landscape scarred by a single entrance down into the unknown. Descend into BLOOD GEYSER!
A second-level adventure for DCC RPG.