Crawlers attend me! We now find our heroes exploring the legendary dungeon complex, Quasqueton! They are certain to face terrible dangers as they take their next steps on the way to becoming true heroes! Many of our zero levels lived to tell the tale of “Doom of the Savage Kings” and the terrible Demon Hound. Now their wandering has lead them in search of a Letter of Marque and Reprisal (A decree allowing the bearer to rid the countryside of vermin, outlaws and threats to the crown.) And rumor has it that one such letter was recently lost somewhere in the mysterious complex known only as Quasquetron.

CincyCon, Sharonville, OH.
You’ve put together the pieces– The Great Pig-Man-Beast and the sinister Fishmen were part of the same abominable MEAT GRINDER cult! Now, you have tracked them across the wastes to a hell-blasted landscape scarred by a single entrance down into the unknown. Descend into BLOOD GEYSER!
A second-level adventure for DCC RPG.