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Episode #15 Covers“Kamandi is the last survivor of the human outpost in the “Command D” bunker near what was once New York City. “Kamandi” is a corruption of “Command D”; it is unclear if Kamandi ever had any other name. Raised by his elderly grandfather, Kamandi has extensive knowledge of the pre-Disaster world, thanks to a library of microfilm and old videos, but he has spent most of his time inside the bunker, and is unaware of the state of the world outside. When his grandfather is killed by a wolf, Kamandi leaves the bunker in search of other human outposts.

He soon discovers that the only other intelligent humans left on Earth are Ben Boxer and his friends Steve and Renzi, a trio of mutants genetically engineered to survive in Earth A.D. He also makes a number of animal friends including Dr. Canus, the canine scientist of Great Caesar (leader of the Tiger Empire) and Caesar’s teenage son Tuftan. Later additions to the cast included the alien woman Pyra, the girl Spirit and the consulting detective Mylock Bloodstalker and his associate Doile. Even the most sympathetic animals however are nonplussed by Kamandi and Ben’s ability to speak.

Kamandi and his friends set out to explore the world of Earth A.D., in hopes of one day restoring humanity to sentience and civilization.”

Welcome to the Sanctum Secorum podcast. In this episode we get to unite the work of the immortal Jack Kirby with special guest Jim Wampler’s long awaited Mutant Crawl Classics!

In addition, we have bonus content to bring to your DCC game while you wait that shiny new MCC book…after the jump!

Dark Acquisitions

There is a great deal of new material to bring to the table based on this story. Below is a list, by category and author, of what has been added to the Dark Acquisitions page by the Keepers of Mysteries, based on this show. Further contributions from friends of the library will also be found there as they arrive.

Character Classes
Canine Scientist – Bob Brinkman
Human, Earth A.D.  – Bob Brinkman
The Hybrid – David Baity
Nu-Men – Bob Brinkman

Beast of Monster Lake – Bob Brinkman
Zone Devil – Bob Brinkman

The Star Child – Andrew Branstad

The Stacks

Appendix N
Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth by Jack Kirby

Against the Atomic Overlord by Edgar Johnson
Attack of the Frawgs by Stephen Newton
Frozen in Time by Michael Curtis
Glipkerio’s Gambit by Jobe Bittman
Hole in the Sky by Brendan LaSalle
Intrigue at the Court of Chaos by Michael Curtis
Legion of Gold by Gary Gygax w/Luke Gygax & Paul Reiche III (Gamma World)
The Mall Maul by Reid San Filippo
The Museum At the End of Time by Jim Wampler
Perils of the Sunken City by Jon Maar
Sailors on the Starless Sea by Harley Stroh
Theater of the Hammed by Clint Bohaty
The Tower Out of Time by Michael Curtis

Gen Con

Mutant Crawl Classics

21st Century Schizoid Man by King Crimson
Bladerunner OST (album) by Vangelis
Fallout OST (album) by Interplay Entertainment
In the Year 2525 by Zager and Evans
Jack Kirby/Action Music from Jack Kirby: The King of Comics
The Omega Man OST (album) by Ron Grainer
Those Were the Days by Mary Hopkin
Tiptoe Through the Tulips by Tiny Tim
Tron Legacy OST (album) by Daft Punk
We Had a Good Run by Kirby Krackle
Wizards OST (Album) by Andrew Belling

Road Crew Appearances
Troy Tucker @ Shamrock Comics in Port Charlotte, FL — Friday Nights

Crawling under a Broken Moon from Shield of Faith Studios
Crawljammer from Moon-Dice Games
Mutant Crawl Classics from Goodman Games

Suggested Reading (Jim Wampler’s “Appendix M”)
Daybreak – 2250 AD by Andre Norton
The Dying Earth, Jack Vance
Hiero’s Journey by Sterling Lanier
Kamandi Last Boy on Earth
by Jack Kirby
Madness from the Sea by H. P. Lovecraft
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

Suggested Viewing (Jim Wampler’s “Appendix M”)
Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Every Holodeck Episode)
Zardoz (1974)

Thanks to

The ambient background of the Sanctum Secorum was created using Horror Ambiance from Klankbeeld.
Sanctum Secorum’s theme music was created using Seating Incantation by Landmark Entertainment.

…and our very special thanks to Jim Wampler!